Posts tagged mindfulness
You Can Make Magic
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Magic happens when you keep a promise. Sounds simple but it’s not easy. We make promises all day long. “Don’t hit the snooze button tomorrow.” “Write a thank you note to (fill-in-the-blank) today.” “I’ll call you later.” “I will be 15 minutes early for every appointment.” (Anyone who knows me is laughing at that last one.) Busy days and cluttered minds lead to tangled maps and debris-scattered paths that trip us up when we aren’t paying attention. So that’s how to make magic! Pay attention. This might mean “think before you speak” or “listen to what you say” or perhaps it’s both—depending on the circumstance. Either way, we can thoughtfully send words into the air; patiently listen, hear and absorb others’ words (before jumping in with our own); and make promises mindfully, to others and to ourselves. Follow through and—voila! You were up early and accomplished much; you made someone’s day with that thank you card; you learned something new on your phone call; you got time to relax and reflect because you were early. Magic! — Hillary Black