Working To Eliminate Hunger In Our World
One out of every eight Americans is food-insecure, yet 40% of all food produced in the United States is wasted.
In Philadelphia, where 20% are food-insecure, Philabundance delivers food to pantries, shelters, and emergency kitchens, serving more than 90,000 people each week, 30% of whom are children. Every 50 cents donated to Philabundance pays for a meal.
At the Los Angeles Mission the day before Thanksgiving, celebrities and community leaders serve 3,500 meals to LA’s neediest residents on skid row.
Globally we’re winning the fight against hunger. In the last quarter century, the number of hungry people worldwide has fallen by more than 2,000 a day. But there are still millions who don’t know where their next meal will come from. More than 10% of the world’s population is hungry. That’s roughly 805 million people who go undernourished on a daily basis, consuming less than the recommended 2,100 calories a day. The world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people, but those who go hungry either do not have land to grow food or money to purchase it.
There are generous and well-run organizations - like Philabundance and the Los Angeles Mission - all over the world. They need our support to help fight hunger.
“The UN estimates it would cost $265 Billion per year to end hunger worldwide. Feeding people in their country costs 1/100th of the cost of feeding them after they’ve become a refugee elsewhere.”—PBS News hour July 21, 2020
“About 50 million Americans are food insecure. One in four American children is food insecure.”—PBS News Hour, November 24, 2020
“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”—Mahatma Gandhi
“690 million people in the world are hungry – almost 9% of the entire population of the planet. Many more people could slip into hunger this year. We must make food systems more sustainable and healthy diets affordable and accessible for all.”—António Guterres, July 2020
“If you want to eliminate hunger, everybody has to be involved.”
Here are some excellent organizations working to feed the hungry.
For 35 years Philabundance has focused on providing emergency food in order to relieve hunger in the Philadelphia, PA, United States region. They have recently expanded their work by pursuing a bold new strategy to help End Hunger. Philabundance was kind to let us film here. Every 50 cents donated to Philabundance is translated into a meal for a food-insecure person.
Los Angeles Mission, Crossroads of Hope, based in southern California, United States, works to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty by stabilizing people in a safe and spiritual environment, connecting them to solutions, and walking with them on their journey. We filmed here and used some of the footage in our Hunger and our Homeless films.
We Don’t Waste is based in Denver, Colorado, United States. Rather than sending food to the landfill, We Don’t Waste believes good food should feed people. When they save food, they protect the planet and feed people! Featured in our October 2022 newsletter!
The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, working to connect people with food and end hunger. Donors, staff, and volunteers all play an important role in their efforts to end hunger in the United States.
“One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we as individuals can make a difference. Ending hunger in America is a goal that is literally within our grasp.”
The Sunday Love Project has a mission to help feed food-insecure people in Philadelphia, PA, United States. All donations, great and small, help feed those who are struggling.
Here’s a list of 10 charities that fight hunger worldwide.
Well over a billion people live in extreme poverty around the world, suffering from infectious diseases, hunger, and high infant mortality. Almost 50 million American citizens live in poverty and the number is rising. These free online resources are meant to be an aid to professionals and students dedicated to combating poverty at home and abroad.
Retire Guide has some very useful information for seniors interested in obtaining Meals on Wheels food delivery.
“Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice.”
Food for the Poor is one of the largest international relief and development organizations in America. Their work is motivated by faith in God, spreading His unconditional love, regardless of race, wealth, or creed, ministering to the poorest of the poor in primarily 17 countries throughout the Caribbean and Latin America.
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.
Bread for the World. Have faith. End Hunger.
“Most of our citizenry believes that hunger only affects people who are lazy or people who are just looking for a handout, people who don’t want to work, but, sadly, that is not true. Over one-third of our hungry people are innocent children who are members of households that simply cannot provide enough food or proper nutrition. And to think of the elderly suffering from malnutrition is just too hard for most of us. Unlike Third World nations, in our country the problem is not having too little – it is about not caring enough! Write your elected representatives and promote support for the hungry.”
Meals on Wheels operates in virtually every community in America through our network of more than 5,000 independently-run local programs. While the diversity of each program's services and operations may vary based on the needs and resources of their communities, they are all committed to supporting their senior neighbors to live healthier and more nourished lives in their own homes.
Action against Hunger is one of the world’s hunger specialists whose primary goal is to create a better way to deal with hunger. For more than 40 years, they have led the global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes. Teams have been on the front lines, treating and preventing malnutrition across more than 45 countries.
The Borgen Project meets with U.S. leaders to build support for life-saving legislation and effective poverty-reduction programs. They mobilize people across the globe behind efforts to make poverty a political priority. They teach basic advocacy skills that allow citizens to communicate with their government. They build awareness of global issues and innovations in poverty-reduction through our online and community presence.