Force For Good News
Meet founder Jonathan Sprout and fellow FFG filmmaker, Rodney Whittenberg on Sunday December 8, 2019 at PennEnvironment’s upcoming "The Climate Crisis--A Call to Action" event. Be the first to preview the films Ice, Solar, and Wind. For more information about this free event, go HERE
The Climate Crisis - A Call to Action
Sunday, December 8th
1:00-4:00 PM
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am (971 Old York Road, Abington PA 19001)
During the day, you can check out a variety of activities including:
-Debut screenings of environmental films produced by Force For Good
-Activist Workshops where you can take action by signing petitions & writing letters
-Two panel discussions with health professionals, environmentalists, solar experts, and activists!
-Free food and beverages will also be available!