“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” — Emma Lazarus

Home is the starting place of love, hope, and dreams. Yet there are millions of refugees—people displaced by disaster or danger, who left home because staying was worse than leaving everything familiar behind.

We invite you to watch our music video Refuge.

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“A wonderful compilation of music and images that allow the viewer to reflect on ways we can all help our ailing planet.” —Amanda Lapham, PennEnvironment

“The music, melodies, writing, production, everything, is first-rate all the way through. Truly stellar.” —Dyan Garris, Spirit Seeker Magazine

“... gorgeous instrumental music that will carry you through many emotions and thoughts ... beautiful healing sounds with an incredibly important message to the world!” —Keith “Muzikman” Hannaleck, New Age Music Reviews

“This sublimely sensitive sonic experience… I can’t emphasize strongly enough how pertinent Force For Good’s music is for the planet.” —Dick Metcalf, Editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews

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