Jonathan Sprout’s

Force For Good

Music & Films Inspired by Nature

“Let's join in creating a bold, visionary world that is not driven by fear but inspired by hope.”



Music AND FILMS that make a difference



Force For Good Music - CDs & Streaming

“An uplifting respite … The music transports you … proving there is magic in the world … moving and emotional … Highly listenable.” —R J Lannan, Artisan Music Reviews


Film of the Month - Hope

Let us define ourselves by who and what we love. Let’s define ourselves by what we stand for, not by what we stand against. Please enjoy our 5-minute film, Hope.




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Wild blueberries_JS.png

It takes courage
to stand up for your
rights and the rights
of others.

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you.
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
— Jane Goodall
San Pedro Tidepools_vivid_hb_IMG_0667 2.jpg

Take only pictures.
Leave only footprints.
